
Subhanallah, Pengorbanan Sang Istri Sungguh Mengharukan, Banyak Pria Yang Menangis Ketika Membacanya

Research into mesothelioma Research into mesothelioma is ongoing. The CancerHelp UK website has information about research into mesothelioma Clinical trials can test the effectiveness of promising new treatments or new ways of combining cancer treatments. Always discuss treatment options with your doctor. Mesothelioma and your sexuality Having mesothelioma and its treatment can affect the way you feel about your body, who you are, your relationships, the way you express yourself sexually and your sexual feelings (your ‘sexuality’). These changes can be very upsetting. Your medical team should discuss these issues with you before and during your treatment. If you feel you would like to discuss things further, ask your doctor for a referral to a counsellor or speak to a cancer nurse on the Cancer Council Helpline (13 11 20). It also helps to be as open as possible with your partner about how you are feeling. The Cancer Council Victoria booklet called Sexuality, intimacy and cancer may also be helpful to read.